Nearly everyone has heard, "the one constant in life is change." Yet how many of us fight tooth and nail when being pushed out of our comfort zones? Many of us like to be in control. We like to have predictable outcomes. We like labels and finely packed secure little boxes. We want change, yet we want things to stay the same, especially the things most important to us. We want a partner by age _____, to be married by age _____, and kids by age _____. Yet, if things were meant to stay the same, we as mammals would probably not grow, get smarter or age. (And, don't get me started on how the vanity industry would like us to believe we're not supposed to look a day older than 20 years, either. Seriously?!)
In "Meditations on Intention and Being," Rolf Gates writes, "If we fight against the waves they will beat us relentlessly, but if we flow with them they will take us on the ride of a lifetime," You've all probably either witnessed or been the person at the ticket counter irate that something didn't go the way it was supposed to. Or writing that nasty text to your Love after you realized you both had different understandings of "monogamous." Or walked out of a job fuming from being passed over for a promotion. Those moments of desperation clinging for your control feel tense, red hot, angry, anxious, toxic sick in your body. Flowing with the waves of life requires a certain amount of trust in the friendliness and benevolence of the universe. This feels loose, flowy, lighter, juicy, loving in your body. Life is a journey. I repeat, LIFE IS A JOURNEY. You don't plan a trip and looking at the agenda, realize the final destination is back home, so why even leave the house to begin with, right? We go on a trip for the journey, for the experience, for the ways it's going to change us. We can loosely set intentions on who we want to be, with whom, where we want to go, and how things should go, and then we must detach, let go, breathe and find the present moment. Remind yourself THE UNIVERSE ALWAYS PROVIDES OPTIONS. In a world of constant flux, stability exists in knowing the flux never ends. Next time you get tunnel vision focused on the end goal and how exactly you intend to get to the end goal, please try to remind yourself that as long as you've agreed to be alive, you have agreed to wake up to each NEW and UNIQUE day of experiences. Labels, highs, agreements, goals, hardships, lows, final destinations are fleeting. They will never end until you, as human, end to exist. Comments are closed.
AuthorThis is where I share MY TRUTH.... authentically, some of my thoughts, inspirations and insights that might be of service for whomever has interest and need. Archives
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